9月变题季 | 2017年9月到12月变题题型及解析


1730 2017-09-22 朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学 0





Describe a time that you had a free gift 

You should say:

when had this gift

who gave it to you

what the gift was

and explain how you felt about it

Sample Answer:                                           

The experience I’d like to talk about here is the time when I got a toy as a free gift in an airplane.


Two years ago, I got a precious opportunity to study in America as an exchange student. That was fairly exciting and stimulating to me, because I truly looked forward to having a different life experience in a different country. However, in addition to being excited and thrilled, I also felt a little bit uncomfortable and insecure since it was the first time when I had to travel such long distance and live an independent life with all things unknown. It was pretty much a challenge to me, though I knew I could handle that. The thing I’d talked about here just happened during my first flight to America. By the way, it was Korean Air flight so there were almost Koreans in the cabin. I sat near the emergency exit, and the seat next to me kept vacant till the last minute before the plane took off. A middle-aged Korean man rushed to the seat beside me with a rather happy face. It looked like he wasn’t upset by the risk of being late for the flight. After he settled down, he began to talk to me like an old friend. Getting to know that I traveled by myself, he rushed to another cabin and came back swiftly with a toy doll in his hand. That triggered my curiosity, and before I started to talk, he said: “It’s for you”. I definitely felt surprised, and of course a little bit shocked. But I didn’t even have a chance to speak because he left away and disappear in another cabin again. Several minutes later, a young man came to me, sat down, and said: “It was my dad, and our family went to America for vacation. He was so excited for his first travel to America, so I beg your pardon if you were frightened.” At that moment, my confusion and curiosity got released. He kept saying that the toy doll was very famous in South Korea, and they brought nearly a dozen of them in order to give people as a gift and to show their etiquette and friendship. Finally, he gave me several candies and wished me a happy travel. To be honest, I couldn’t find a word to express my gratitude to the family at that time. Probably it’s hard for others to relate to my feelings, but I think everyone has such a familiar experience getting someone else’s help or comfort when they feel insecure or upset.


This experience is unforgettable. It didn’t matter what the gift was, but what did matter, for me at that moment, was the emotions conveyed and kindness passed to me. They lit up my journey, and that’s what I appreciate and can’t forget.






Vacant 空的,无人的

Take off 起飞

Swiftly 迅速地,可代替quickly

trigger 引起

Confusion 疑惑

A dozen of 一打

Gratitude 感激


Describe a time you moved to a new home or school

You should say:

when you moved

where you moved

why you moved

and explain how you felt about the moving

Sample Answer:                                           

Well, honestly I don’t have such an experience moving to a new school or a new home, but I do clearly remember the first few weeks when I started my junior high school. Although it took place 7 years ago, every time when I recall this moment, scenes still leap vividly before my eyes.


The day I was stepping into my junior school was fairly exciting. I think that is because on that day, I felt I was not a child anymore, and it was kind of a symbol of growing up in my mind at that moment. Now let me introduce my junior school briefly. It is called Jinan Foreign Language School. Well, the name says it all: it is a sort of foreign language-centered, characterized by teaching foreign languages like English, Japanese, French, Russian and so on. It’s a public school, but unlike other public schools, it emphasizes more on foreign language teaching in addition to other basic subjects like math. I myself was an English student, and as a foreign language school student, I got a special experience. Unlike other students from other schools, we started our first year in junior school two weeks early. During the time, we were asked to learn phonetics so we were able to pronounce a word more precisely and develop such language sense to read and speak. I was very grateful to that period of time. I mean, if it was not for this experience, I couldn’t develop my English pronunciation and sense for later study. After that, I came to realize how stupid I was when I complained that I had to come to school two weeks early at the very beginning of the two weeks.


Later, we started our first semester. Actually, we all came to know each other during the two weeks, so we adapt ourselves very quickly and well to the whole new school life. Soon I got to realize that my classmates were very smart and industrious, which propelled me to work harder and harder in order not to be washed out in the competition.


Overall, I like the time in my junior school, and I can’t forget the two weeks. I really appreciate that I could choose that school, and that I could have such an unforgettable experience.



本题难度中等,让部分考生感觉到困难的部分是自身经历中并没有转校或搬家的经历。那么如果没有相关的经历我们也没有必要硬说,毕竟没经历过的事在描述时总会让人感到力不从心,要么是因为没内容,要么是因为没感觉。但是考生们别忘了大家都有的升学的经历,小学升初中,高中升大学等等,这都是你进入一个新学校、开始新生活的经历。亦或是你开始寄宿, 不再在家里住了,这也可以成为你搬到新地方住的经历。思路要开阔,不应想的太局限把自己困住,所以本题用了开始新初中生活的经历作为例子,供同学参考。



Recall 回想,想起 考生们经常用remember来表达“想起”,是错的

Fairly 非常,十分,代替 “very”

Phonetics 音标

Grateful 感激的


Industrious 勤奋的

Wash out 淘汰






