[雅思培训]雅思口语Part 3之工作场景


2002 2017-06-07 朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学 0


社会工作类话题是雅思口语常规考题之一。众所周知,我们在Part 1过程中,有一道经典的题目:Are you a student or do you work? 其实职业在我们基础考题里就是考官认同的重要倾向题目之一。


虽然我们的A类和G类雅思口语的内容范围几乎一致,但是考官们往往非常flexible to make a smooth conversation and encourage the candidate more talkative. 所以考生们如果是工作人士,特别是有了一定社会阅历的职场人士,工作类话题在Part 3里一定是重中之重,以自身角度讨论问题,和考官形成深度对话。




职场工作一定是考官心中默认的这类考生可以胜任的领域。如果这个部分没有展现出适当的英语表达和论证能力,那么我们基本不会拿到6分或以上(即使同学们Part 1和Part 2遇到原题,而且能够熟诵)。


这次,我们来看一下在Part 3部分中一些具有相当难度题目的答题思路和要素:

1. Is it easy to get a good job in China?

这道题目是我在口测一些工作人士的题目中非常喜欢的一道。对于刚毕业的学生来说,他们的答案往往类似于 --- No, because there are too many people in China, and a lot of university graduates are in the job market. The competition here is very fierce. 当然,还有一部分比较成功的工作人士会类似如此回应 --- It’s not difficult to find a good job in China, you know, I was working as a software engineer, I can get a well-paid job whenever I want. And all of my friends seem like the same.




首先我们的概念应该弄清楚What is a good job?

A good job refers to a high salary? Or flexible working hours? Or it should be based on one’s interest? 我们需要的不是类似这种概念,而是要确切能够归纳总结的东西。比如,一般来说,好的工作有engineer, lawyer, doctor...诸如此类的职位。那么这些职位的特点或者说对于求职者的要求是什么呢?

Basically speaking, your qualification and working experience.


那么到此为止,我们有了一个强力的主观点:It depends on the level of your qualification and working experience.


跟上的解释变得流畅了很多,例如:Without a well-educated background and sufficient working experience, people mainly engage in some kind of menial work, like cashier or kitchen staff, or find it so difficult when looking for a job vacancy, not to mention those good jobs. But it would become easier when you are qualified and experienced. For instance, there’re always loads of positions, like senior engineer and doctor, available to the general public as long as you meet the requirement.



而在我们的题库中,下一个问题问的是job interview的话题,就和上述答案没有太大关联了。但是一般Part 3的题目往往不可预估,考官比较喜欢深入互动,所以我们来看一下这个问题和答案是否有更深的讨论,并从这里面发掘一些有章可循的逻辑推算。


通过我们现有的答案回看题目的话,就会发现有个题目的信息并未充分使用--In China. 前情只是把中国的好工作等同于一些职业。

结合job requirements我们不难发现,这些职业存在的原因为demand of the nation或者market in this country。所以,我们的好工作可以更具有特点和代表性,而非泛泛而谈,或者只是一种普通概念。


To serve for a sustainable and booming economy, our country has invested a lot in High-tech Industry and Modern Service Industry instead of focusing on Manufacturing only, since the last decade. Consequently, there is a huge demand for talents, let’s say for example, in tourism or internet industry. In fact, there’re always loads of positions, like software/hardware engineer, available to the general public as long as you meet the requirement.

这样接上我们上面最后的答案就显得论述更深刻且有特征性。很多同学Part 3出现问题的巨大原因之一是套用模板,这样一来,题目的讨论性完全走向共性答案而毫无特质,考官往往对模板是不感冒而且反感的。



What kinds of jobs will be popular in the future?

(Or what kinds of jobs will be good in the future?)


Hints: The earth we depend on tends to be severely polluted. It’s very likely that people in the future will seek for sustainable development, such as making good use of renewable energy.









