

2668 2018-05-30 朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学 0




1.  Describe a party you joined

You should say:

When it took place

Where it was

Whose party it was

What you did there

And how you felt about the party

Sample answer:

Well, off the top of my head, the party I am going to describe to you is the welcome party thrown by the faculty members in my freshman year. Immediately after the orientation week, my feeling for the new college life was somehow mixed: I did look forward to a new life in a city far away from my hometown yet my trepidations grew as I saw in my orientation week how challenging it was to learn and immerse in campus life. I was definitely not the only one feeling that way. Somehow, the teachers saw us through and decided to throw a welcome party for freshmen in the faculty. The party was held in the auditorium where regular meetings and gatherings were held. Around 730pm, as the night descended, I entered the auditorium with a couple of new friends I made. It was stunning. Refreshments, snacks, drinks have all been prepared and served on two long tables lining the walls. The faculty members, over 20 people, were all dressed in funny costumes: there were superhero characters from Avengers and Justice League, and Princess Cinderella and Snow White from fairy tales. I couldn’t possibly recognize them from the orientation activities we had a few days earlier. Just as I was starting to find a corner to taste some local snacks, the music roared on. The staffs started to sing and dance to the track, while dragging many students to join them. I couldn’t tell if they were drunk or just went nuts. I joined them too and made many new friends that night. I have not been to many parties before, but this one is definitely most memorable.


这个话题是要描述一个party. 其实,从很多学生的反馈来看,大多数中国学生并不是经常参加party之类的活动,可能也就birthday party 和 Christmas celebration. 而这种素材是非常俗的。毕竟太多人都说同样或者类似的内容。除非学生的表达,发音,语音语调,流利度非常好,否则很难脱颖而出。所以,这里给各位同学选择的是在刚上大学时候,老师给新生办的party. 各位考生可以根据自己的情况,改成刚上高中,或者刚去到一个工作单位时办的party也没问题。

Colloquial expressions:

a.  Throw a party 举办派对(不要用hold, 这个词适用于正式场合)

b.  Faculty members 学校部门老师

c.  Orientation week 大学第一周都是各种活动让学生熟悉大学生活

d.  See us through 看透我们,知道我们在想什么

e.  Auditorium 大的讲座,集会大厅

f.  Roar 声音非常大

g.  Dance to the track/soundtrack 跟着歌曲节奏跳舞

2.  Describe a popular comic actor/actress in your country

You should say:

Who he/she is

How you knew him/her

What comedies have he/she performed

And explain why he/she is popular

Sample answer:

The Chinese comedian that pops right in my mind is Stephen Chow, one of the greatest comic actors ever in recent history of China. He was born in Hong Kong and is now in his late 50s. Honestly, I have never any seen other comedians, both Chinese and foreign, as talented as he is, and disappointingly, I don’t believe there is any other actor who, in my opinion, could ever surpass him in talent for comic acting. I knew him from some of his early movies filmed in the 1990s when he was in the prime of his career. Back then, his new movies broke previous box office records in Hong Kong and still hold many of the records today. Whenever he was holding a press conference, nearly all journalists in Hong Kong would be present in the conference room, eager to either ask him a question or capture a photo-shoot. Many paparazzi would stalk him, following him wherever he went. Many of his fans even pitched a tent outside his villa just to get his autograph. It marked the peak of his career in comedy and best times of Hong Kong’s film industry. The reason why he was so popular was his unique, peculiar way of acting. His roles in movies are invariably losers living a hopeless and despicable life. His characters all shared a huge ambition, which contrasts sharply with their poor life. It’s such huge gap between sweet dream and harsh reality that has given him unlimited freedom in playing. It’s hilarious and at the same time thought-provoking coz what the characters go through as story unfolds echoes the harshness of the real world. None of the movies starring him would have been successful if he wasn’t in it.


这里说的是你们国家的喜剧明星/演员,所选的是周星驰的素材。可能很多学生跟我一样,听郭德纲,但是相声以及郭老师的内容和风格可能具有极强的民族文化特色,并不容易翻译过来让老外理解,所以这里选择了周星驰,喜剧电影演员更好理解。当然,学生也可以选择别的明星,或者是stand-up comedian, 相当于一人站在台上脱口秀这种,国内也有不少。这里内容比较难的是后半部分,选择的切入角度是周星驰经常演一些低下的任务,但是内心又怀揣梦想,所以制造的喜剧效果非常好,同时也比较thought-provoking.

Colloquial expressions:

a.  Surpass 超越,比…好

b.  In the prime of his career 在职业的高峰,辉煌时期

c.  Paparazzi 狗仔队

d.  Peculiar 奇异的,不一样的

e.  Despicable 悲惨的,恶劣的

f.  Hilarious 非常的好笑

g.  Thought-provoking 令人深思的

h.  Unfold 展开

i.  Echo 与…相一致

3.  Describe a trip that you went on by public transportation

You should say:

Where you went

What means of transportation you took

Who you were with

How you felt about the trip

Sample answer:

Two years ago, I traveled to Sanya, a beautiful coastal city situated at the southern tip of mainland China. It’s about 3000 kilometers from my hometown, so driving was out of the question. Land transportation such as bus or railway is out of consideration too because Sanya is an island and one has to take ferry across the waters. It would be too complicated and time-consuming. So, traveling by air appears to be the only remaining viable option. The connecting flight took nearly six hours, with a stopover at Xiamen, a southwestern city. Though such a long flight could be physically challenging, I was not at all tired. It was supposed to be a leisure vacation for me after my college-entrance examination, a reward for the extremely hard work I put in for my high school years. I went to Sanya with a couple of my best friends and we stayed there for over two weeks. This is the best trip I have ever had. We booked the executive suite in Sheraton Hotel, which didn’t cost as much as expected coz it’s off-peak season. We spent pretty much all the daytime lying on the beach, burying ourselves deep in the sand. When night descended, we headed to the shopping districts, knocking ourselves out with wining, dining, and shopping till we drop.    


这个题目看似有一个限制:by public transportation, 但其实仔细想想,在我们的日常生活中,除非自驾游,只要去旅游,都会乘坐公共交通。所以,这个题目其实跟各位如果之前有准备过的旅游的题目大差不差,没什么区别。这里,老师们选择了一个很合适大众的题目,就是去三亚,相信很多学生也都去过,所设计的场景就是高考之后去的,放松压力,给了这个旅游一个很好的理由。这里一开始重点就是交通工具的选择,因为这是这个题目的唯一限定性词汇,而后来就旅游的内容进行具体阐述了。

Colloquial expressions:

a.  Out of the question 不会考虑

b.  Time-consuming 非常耗费时间

c.  Executive suite(发音同sweet, 不是suit) 高级套房

d.  Off-peak season 淡季

e.  Knock ourselves out 疯狂的玩

f.  Shop till we drop 购物到疯,直到放弃






