
阅读 + 听力+ 写作 + 口语

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入学要求:词汇量达到 2500-3500
退换无忧 科学体系 学习督导 品牌保障
课程介绍 课程大纲
  • 课程阶段 托福基础阶段
  • 课时 48 小时
  • 课时安排 每次 2 小时,共 24 次课
  • 课程教材 《剑桥英语》第 4 级 ● 学生用书(Student's Book) ● 同步训练(Workbook) ● 扩展资源(Links) ● 预备课程(Starter)(自学)
  • 班级人数
  • 课程优惠 报名课程即可享85折优惠。优质服务,导师+规划师双管齐下,针对各学员进行详细科学的教学规划、学习规划、留学规划等。多种班级随意搭配, 班级时间类型全线满足。立即咨询更多优惠>>
01 听力


02 写作


03 口语


04 语法


Unit 1 Session 1 (2 hours) + Session 2 (2 hours) Teacher A

Module1 Unit1 1. GRAMMAR (1)present simple and present continuous ● Student book: p3(4)配对题 p3(5)写句子 p3(6)groupwork p8(1)填空题 ● Workbook: p5(1)填空题 p5(2)配对题 p5(3)选择题 (2)countable and uncountable nouns ● Student book: p8(2)判断题 ● Workbook: p6(4)归类题 (3)quantifiers ● Student book: p4(1a)配对题 p4(1b)pairwork p8(3)填空题 p8(4)划线题 ● Workbook: p6(5)选择题 p6(6)填空题 2. FUNCTIONS (1)talking about the present ●Student book: p1(1)groupwork p1(2)pairwork p1(3)问答题 p1(4)pairwork p1(5)配对题 p1(6)write three sentences about who you are (2)file: getting started, eliciting, listening, fillers, suggesting and responding, move on ● Student book: p6(file) 3. PRONUNCIATION (1)showing interest ● Student book: p3(pronunciation) 4. VOCABULARY (1)make and do ● Student book: p3(word expander) p22(3)配对题 ●Workbook: p6(word expander) (2)fashion ●Student book: p4(fashion) p22(2)拼写 ●Workbook: p4(1)归类题 p4(2)配对题 p4(3)write a short description of the girl in the picture in your exercise book (3)adjectives to describe clothes ● Student book: p4(4)complete the lists ●Workbook: p4(4)填空题 p4(5)归类题 5. SKILLS (1) Reading: ● Student book: a blog: p3(1)阅读文章 welcome to Jessica's place, 完成问答题 p3(2)阅读文章 welcome to Jessica's place, 完成问答题 an article about teamwork: p6(2)阅读文章 team spirit, 完成问答题 p7(3a)记笔记 p7(3b)记笔记 p7(3c)选择题 p7(4)quiz street fashion: p4(2a)阅读文章 street fashion, 完成问答题 p4(2b)阅读文章 street fashion, 完成问答题 p4(3a)阅读文章 street fashion, 记笔记 p4(3b)groupwork ● Workbook: p7(1)阅读文章 a room of my own, 完成问答题 p7(2)阅读文章 a room of my own, 完成选择题 (2) Listening: ● Student book: students doing a quiz: p4(5a)记笔记 (3)Speaking: ●Student book: p3(3)pairwork discussing personal style: p4(5b)问答题 how to work in a team: p6(1)pairwork p7(5)pairwork p7(6a)完成句子 p7(6b)pairwork (4)Writing: ●Student book: a paragraph about your style: p4(6)write a paragraph about your style ● Workbook: p8(1)word building(填空题) p8(2)word building(填空题) p8(3)prefixes: un-(填空题) p8(4)prefixes: un-(填空题) 6. DVD film1: fashion designer 7. Song dedicated follower of fashion 单元重点:一般现在时;现在完成时;可数、不可数名词;描述现在发生的 事;时尚;描述衣物

Unit 2 Session 3 (2 hours) + Session 4 (2 hours) Teacher A

Module1 Unit2 1. GRAMMAR (1)past simple and present perfect ● Student book: p10(1)填空题 p16(1)选择题 ● Workbook: p12(1)填空题 p12(2)填空题 p12(3)配对题 p12(4)填空题 (2)present perfect and present perfect continuous ● Student book: p13(4)study the rules p16(2)填空题 p16(3)造句 p22(1)语法填空题 ● Workbook: p13(5)填空题 p13(6)判断题 2. FUNCTIONS (1)talking about the recent past and finished past ●Student book: p10(1)填空题 (2)file: greetings, replies, thanks, introductions, asking for clarification; making requests; goodbyes ● Student book: p14(file) p22(4)填空题 3. PRONUNCIATION (1)sounding polite ● Student book: p14(pronunciation) 4. VOCABULARY (1)definitions of words related to life and lifestyle ● Student book: p11(5)配对题 ●Workbook: p11(1)选择题 p11(2)选择题 p11(3)选择题 p11(4)填空题 (2)get ●Student book: p11(word expander) 5. SKILLS (1)Reading: ● Student book: p9(1)pairwork p9(2)看图说话 p9(3)pairwork p9(4)写作练习 p18(4)Internet and me(问答题) p18(5a)Internet and me (game) p18(5b)Internet and me(问答题) p18(6a)Internet and me (project) p18(6b)Internet and me(问答题) an article about what young people think of their parents' lives: p10(2)阅读文章 what do young people really think of their parents' lives? p10(3)阅读文章 what do young people really think of their parents' lives? 完成 填空题 p10(4)阅读文章 what do young people really think of their parents' lives? 完成 问答题 a dialogue: p12(1b)填空题 p12(2)pairwork a webpage: p14(1)pairwork p14(2a)阅读文章 English alive school, 完成问答题 p14(2b)阅读文章 English alive school, 完成判断题 ● Workbook: p14(1)阅读文章 what type of learner are you? 完成配对题 p14(2)阅读文章 what type of learner are you? 完成配对题 p14(3)阅读文章 what type of learner are you? 完成选择题 (2)Listening: ● Student book: p20(1)听力练习 a conversation with a parent: p12(1a)问答题 p12(3)判断题 three situations for meeting someone: p14(3a)greetings and introductions(排序) p14(3b)greetings and introductions(问答题) p14(4)groupwork someone making requests: p14(5)问答题 p14(6)pairwork conversation at a language school: p15(7a)记笔记 p15(7b)听力练习 p15(8)groupwork (3)Speaking: ●Student book: p22(5)pairwork giving advice: p9(5)pairwork discussing parents' lives: p11(7)pairwork discussing what has been happening in a picture: p13(5)口语练习 p13(6)groupwork (4)Writing: ●Student book: p17(1a)pairwork p17(1b)对答案 p17(2)pairwork p17(3)pairwork a paragraph about your parents' lives: p11(6)write a paragraph about what you think of your parents' lives Links 扩展资源: Real communication p2-3 Exam listening p14 Exam speaking p20 Clil and culture p26-28 单元重点:一般过去时;现在完成时;现在完成进行时;描述已经完成了的 事;日常会话;日常生活描述

Unit 3 Session 5 (2 hours) + Session 6 (2 hours) Teacher B

Module2 Unit3 1. GRAMMAR (1)past simple and past perfect ● Student book: p30(1)选择题 p30(2)填空题 ● Workbook: p19(1)填空题 p19(2)选择题 (2)past simple and past continuous ● Student book: p30(3)改错题 p30(4)填空题 ● Workbook: p20(4)选择题 (3)could have ● Student book: p30(5)写句子 ● Workbook: p20(4)填空题 2. FUNCTIONS (1)talking about an earlier past event ●Student book: p24(5)排序 p24(6)填空题 (2)talking about events in progress in the past ● Student book: p26(4a)填空题 p26(4b)划线 p26(5)pairwork (3)talking about imaginary past alternatives ● Student book: p26(could have) (4)real communication: starting, showing interest, keeping the story going, attitude expressions, turn taking, closing the story ● Student book: p28(file) 3. PRONUNCIATION (1)past simple endings ● Student book: p29(pronunciation) 4. VOCABULARY (1)using the -ing form ● Student book: p26(word expander) (2)childhood ●Student book: p28(1)pairwork p28(2a)填空题 p29(2b)配对题 p29(3)配对题 p29(4)口语练习 p44(3)配对题 ●Workbook: p18(1)归类 p18(2)填空题 p18(3)配对题 5. SKILLS (1) Reading: ● Student book: two articles about the Piano Man: p24(1)阅读文章(pairwork) p24(2)问答题 p24(4)问答题 extract from novels: p26(1b)阅读文章 top young adult books, 完成配对题 p26(2)阅读文章 top young adult books, 完成问答题 ● Workbook: p21(1)阅读文章 unknown white male, 完成填空题 p21(2)阅读文章 unknown white male, 完成配对题 (2) Listening: ● Student book: talking about childhood events: p29(5a)问答题 p29(5b)听力练习 p29(6)make a spidergram radio report about the Piano Man: p24(2a)配对题 p24(3b)问答题 talking about memories: p26(6)问答题 (3)Speaking: ●Student book: explanations for situations: p26(7)groupwork p29(7)groupwork discussing novels: p26(1a)pairwork p26(3)问答题 (4)Writing: ●Student book: p23(1)groupwork p23(2a)make notes p23(2b)pairwork p23(3)排序 p23(4a)write down two or three things that have shaped your life p23(4b)groupwork a description of a memory: p29(8)write a description about your memory ● Workbook: p22(1)how to use a dictionary (pairwork) p22(2)how to use a dictionary(配对题) p22(3)how to use a dictionary(填空题) p22(4)how to use a dictionary(写句子) p22(5a)mind maps p22(5b)mind maps (pairwork) p22(6)vocabulary notebook 单元重点:一般过去时;过去完成时;could have;-ing;描述童年

Unit 4 Session 7 (2 hours) + Session 8 (2 hours) Teacher B

Module2 Unit4 1. GRAMMAR (1)reported speech ● Student book: p38(1)say p38(2)tell ●Workbook: p26(1)say p26(2)tell p27(5)reported speech : modals (2)reporting verbs ● Student book: p38(4)reporting verbs p38(5)reported speech (modal) ● Workbook: p27(4)写句子 (3)indirect questions ● Student book: p38(3)reported speech (questions) ● Workbook: p26(3)reported speech: questions 2. FUNCTIONS (1)reporting statement; questions and negative requests ● Student book: p32(3)reported speech p39(1)pairwork p39(2)pairwork p39(3)groupwork p44(1)选择题 p44(2)造句 (2)real communication: buying souvenirs, asking for directions; asking for information, getting a bus; booking a hostel ● Student book: p42(1)pairwork p42(2)pairwork p42(3a)make some notes p42(3b)groupwork p42(3c)记笔记 p43(1)填空题 p43(2)read the story again p43(3)pairwork p43(4)写作练习 3. PRONUNCIATION (1)intonation in direct and reported questions ● Student book: p33(pronunciation) 4. VOCABULARY (1)extreme sports ● Student book: p34(1a)配对题 p34(1b)问答题 ●Workbook: p25(1)配对题 p25(2)问答题 p25(3)问答题 p25(4)写句子 (2)reporting verbs ● Student book: p34(4)read the rules p35(5)填空题 (3)holidays ● Student book: p36(1)pairwork 5. SKILLS (1)Reading: ● Student book: urban acrobatics: p32(1)阅读文章 urban acrobatics, 完成问答题 p32(2)阅读文章 urban acrobatics, 完成判断题 on top of the world: p34(2) 阅读文章 on top of the world, 完成判断题 tourist brochure for Scotland: p36(2) 阅读文章 adventure Scotland, 完成问答题 ● Workbook: p28(1)阅读文章 don't forget to remember, 选标题 p28(2)阅读文章 don't forget to remember, 完成选择题 (2)Listening: ● Student book: a dialogue: p33(4)填空题 answer phone message: p33(6)leave notes conversations in tourist situations: p37(3a)排序 p37(3b)问答题 p37(3c)听力练习 (3)Speaking: ● Student book: p40(4a)new stories (pairwork) p40(4b) new stories (pairwork) p40(4c) new stories (class discussion) p41(5)a logical explanation(问答题) p41(6) a logical explanation(groupwork) p41(7) a logical explanation(填空题) p41(8a) a logical explanation(groupwork) p41(8b)a logical explanation quiz-how adventurous are you?: p31(1)pairwork p31(2)groupwork p31(3)do the quiz asking and reporting questions: p33(6a)问答题 p33(6b)groupwork talking about extreme sports: p34(3)pairwork role-playing tourist situations: p37(4)pairwork p37(5)groupwork (4)Writing: ● Student book: p44(4)填空题 p44(5)write a paragraph about a good or bad holiday you have experienced a reported conversation: p33(5)write the conversation above as a reported speech 6. DVD film2: wheelchair rugby 7. Song Links 扩展资源: Real communication p4-5 Exam listening p15 Exam speaking p21 Clil and culture p29-31 单元重点:转述、复述;极限运动;描述旅游景点;假日;接电话;日常生 活描述

Unit 5 Session 9 (2 hours) + Session 10 (2 hours) Teacher A

Module3 Unit5 1. GRAMMAR (1)present continuous, will, be going to for future ● Student book: p52(1)选择题 p52(2)判断题 p52(3)write sentences about you ● Workbook: p33(1)选择题 p33(2)配对题 (2)zero and first conditional ● Student book: p52(4) 配对题 ● Workbook: p33(3)配对题 p33(4)填空题 (3)when, as soon as, unless ● Student book: p52(5)选择题 ● Workbook: p34(5)填空题 (4)future predictions ● Student book: p52(6)写句子 ● Workbook: p34(future predictions) 2. FUNCTIONS (1)talking about the future ● Student book: p46(4)阅读文章 p46(5)配对题 p47(6)选择题 (2)talking about facts and possible conditions ● Student book: p49(4)填空题 (3)expressing certainty about the future ● Student book: p49(5)填空题 (4)real communication: inviting, making arrangements, making and accepting excuse, saying “yes”, persuading and encouraging, expressing surprise, gossiping ● Student book: p50(real communication) 3. PRONUNCIATION (1)expressing degree of enthusiasm ● Student book: p51(pronunciation) (2)expressing surprise ● Student book: p51(pronunciation) 4. VOCABULARY (1)geographical features ● Student book: p49(1)pairwork p66(3)配对题 ● Workbook: p32(1)填空题 p32(2)选择题 p32(3)选择题 (2)get ● Student book: p49(word expander) ● Workbook: p34(get) p34(give) 5. SKILLS (1)Reading: ● Student book: working round the world: p45(1)问答题 p45(2a)问答题 p45(2b)阅读文章 gap year p45(3)配对题 p45(4a)选择题 p45(4b)pairwork email: p49(2)配对题 p49(3)问答题 ● Workbook: p35(1)选标题 p35(2)配对题 p35(3)选择题 p36(1)填空题 p36(2)填空题 (2)Listening: ● Student book: a conversation about asking people out, gossip: p51(1a)问答题 p51(1b)对答案 p51(2)pairwork p51(3a)问答题 51(3b)听力练习 (3)Speaking: ● Student book: giving reasons for taking a gap year: p45(5)groupework making resolutions: p47(7)making resolutions p47(8)pairwork discussing gap-year situations: p49(6)口语练习 role play a visit to a fortune teller: p49(7a)make notes p49(7b)groupwork inviting friends: p51(4)pairwork p51(5a)问答题 p51(5b) gossiping: p51(6a)记笔记 p51(6b)pairwork (4)Writing: ● Student book: advice for a gap-year student: p47(9)pairwork 6. DVD film 3: gap year 7. Song Marrakesh Express 单元重点:零条件句;第一条件句;描述对未来的预测;地理特征;get;间 隔年

Unit 6 Session 11 (2 hours) + Session 12 (2 hours) Teacher A

Module3 Unit6 1. GRAMMAR (1)phrasal verbs ● Student book: p60(1)填空题 p60(2)写句子 (2)second conditional ● Student book: p60(3)配对题 p60(4)写句子 ● Workbook: p40(4)选择题 p40(5)配对题 p40(6)问答题 (3)wish/ if only+ past simple ● Student book: p60(5)看图说话 ● Workbook: p41(7)写句子 2. FUNCTIONS (1)talking about imaginary or unlikely situations, talking about a desire in the present ● Student book: p56(3)complete the rules p57(4)写句子 p57(5)pairwork p57(6)write five sentences about yourself p66(1)选择题 p66(2)配对题 p66(6)写作 (2)real communication: calling and answering, messages, taking down information, asking for clarification, getting connected ● Student book: p58(1)Aisha’s summer job p58(2)groupwork p59(4)听力练习 p59(5)听力练习 p59(7)a bad line p59(8)pairwork p59(9a)Aisha’s holiday p59(9b)pairwork p66(5)填空题 3. PRONUNCIATION (1)I’d and I’ll ● Student book: p57(pronunciation) 4. VOCABULARY (1)phrasal verbs ● Student book: p54(2)配对题 p54(4a)在文章找单词 p54(4b)pairwork ● Workbook: p40(1)配对题 p40(2)rewrite p40(3)填空题 (2)jobs ● Student book: p61(1a) job interviews (pairwork) p61(1b) job interviews(排序) p61(2a) job interviews (pairwork) p61(2b) job interviews(问答题) p61(2c) job interviews(排序) p61(3a) job interviews (pairwork) p61(3b) job interviews p62(4a) good advice (pairwork) p62(4b) good advice(问答题) p62(4c) good advice(听力) p62(5a) good advice (pairwork) p62(5b) good advice(问答题) p62(5c) good advice p63(6a) good advice (pairwork) p63(6b) good advice (role play) p63(7a) good advice (role play) p63(7b) good advice(问答题) p66(4)拼写 ● Workbook: p39(1)造句 p39(2)连词成句 p39(3)配对题 p39(4a)配对题 p39(4b)问答题 (3)take ● Student book: p57(word expander) ● Workbook: p41(word expander) 5. SKILLS (1) Reading: ● Student book: p64(1a)read the file p64(1b)配对题 p64(2a)pairwork p64(2b)take turns to describe your photo to your partner p64(3)a 对话练习 p65(1)填空题 p65(2)写作 p65(3)写作 one stop career shop: p53(1)pairwork p53(2)pairwork p53(3)阅读文章 one stop career shop p53(4a)问答题 p53(4b)pairwork p53(5a)job p53(5b)job article about exceptional young people: p54(1)阅读文章 enjoy, achieve, dream, succeed,完成填空题 career quiz: p56(2a)do the career quiz p56(2b)pairwork ● Workbook: p42(1)选标题 p41(2)配对题 p42(3)配对题 (2) Listening: ● Student book: a TV programme: p56(1a)pairwork p56(1b)配对题 p56(1c)groupwork a phone call: p58(3)listen to a phone call (3)Speaking: ● Student book: p54(3)pairwork hypothetical situations: p56(1a)pairwork p56(1c)groupwork making and answering phone calls: p59(6a)pairwork p59(6b) (4)Writing: ● Student book: sentence patterns: p54(5) a paragraph describing your ideal job: p57(7) Links 扩展资源: Real communication p6-7 Exam listening p16 Exam speaking p22 Clil and culture p32-34 单元重点:动词短语;工作面试;描述工作;记笔记;第二条件句;描述假 设的事件

Unit 7 Session 13 (2 hours) + Session 14 (2 hours) Teacher B

Module4 Unit7 1. GRAMMAR (1)talking about obligation and advice ● Student book: p74(1)obligation (must, have to)(选择题) p74(2)obligation (must, have to)(填空题) p74(3)Advice (should, ought to)(写句子) Unit 7 Session 13 (2 hours) + Session 14 (2 hours) Teacher B p74(4)Advice (had better)(写句子) ● Workbook: p47(1)选择题 p47(2)填空题 p47(3)填空题 (2)comparatives and superlatives ● Student book: p74(5)连词成句 p74(6)写句子 p74(7)填空题 ● Workbook: p48(4)填空题 p48(5)造句 p48(6)造句 2. FUNCTIONS (1)talking about obligation and advice ● Student book: p68(6a) p68(6b) (2)file: asking for opinions, saying how much you know, agreeing and disagreeing, giving opinions, talking about likes and dislikes ● Student book: p72(file) P88(1) P88(2) p88(5) 3. PRONUNCIATION (1)weak to ● Student book: p69(pronunciation) 4. VOCABULARY (1)crime ● Student book: p67(3)配对题 P88(3)拼写 ● Workbook: p46(1)配对题 p46(2)归类题 p46(3)选择题 p46(4)配对题 (2)violence ● Student book: p68(1)配对题 (3)give ● Student book: p69(word expander) (4)punishment ● Student book: p73(3a)pairwork p73(3b)填空题 (5)minor offences ● Student book: p71(5a)配对题 p71(5b)groupwork 5. SKILLS (1)Reading: ● Student book: dead cool: p68(4)阅读文章 dead cool a report about stupid criminals: p70(1)阅读文章 true crime stories, 完成配对题 p70(2)阅读文章 true crime stories, 完成填空题 p70(3)阅读文章 true crime stories, 完成配对题 p70(4)阅读文章 true crime stories an article about knife culture: p68(4)阅读文章 dead cool an article about banning chewing gum: P72(1a) p72(1b) p72(1c) ● Workbook: p49(1)阅读文章 true crime, 完成问答题 p49(2)阅读文章 true crime, 完成配对题 p49(3)阅读文章 true crime, 完成判断题 (2)Listening: ● Student book: interview about knife crime: p68(2)groupwork p68(3a) p68(3b) three opinions: p73(2a) p73(2b) conversation about a crime: p73(4a) p73(4b) p73(4c) (3)Speaking: ● Student book: answering a quiz about honesty: p67(1)pairwork p67(2)pairwork discussing appropriate punishments: p73(5) talking about crimes: p69(7a) talking about things that worry, scare or bore you p71(7) p71(8a) p71(8b) (4)Writing: ● Student book: a paragraph about things you had to do in the past: p69(7b) ● Workbook: p50(1)compound nouns: noun+ noun p50(2)compound nouns: noun+ noun p50(3)compound nouns: verb+ preposition p50(4)compound nouns: verb+ noun p50(5)compound adjectives 6. DVD film4: knife and gun crime 7. Song I shot the sheriff 单元重点:犯罪;惩罚;描述责任;描述建议;比较级和最高级

Unit 8 Session 15 (2 hours) + Session 16 (2 hours) Teacher B

Module4 Unit8 1. GRAMMAR (1)indefinite pronouns ● Student book: p82(1)选择题 ● Workbook: Unit 8 Session 15 (2 hours) + Session 16 (2 hours) Teacher B p54(1)填空题 (2)linkers of contrast ● Student book: p82(2)填空题 ● Workbook: p54(2)选择题 p54(3)写句子 (3)clauses of purpose ● Student book: p82(3)写句子 ● Workbook: p54(4)写句子 (4)speculating ● Student book: p82(4)填空题 p82(5)写句子 ● Workbook: p54(5)写句子 p55(6)写句子 2. FUNCTIONS (1)contrasting ideas, giving reasons for actions, drawing conclusions about the present, speculating about the past ● Student book: p77(8a)划线 p77(8b)complete the rules p77(9)问答题 p77(10)改写句子 p79(6)pairwork (2)real communication: describe the plot; characters, acting, sets and visuals; being vague, moving on, giving your interpretation ● Student book: p80(file) 3. PRONUNCIATION (1)vague language ● Student book: p81(pronunciation) 4. VOCABULARY (1)have ● Student book: p77(word expander) ● Workbook: p55(word expander) (2)films ● Student book: p81(2b)groupwork p80(1a)配对题 p80(1b)pairwork p80(1c)pairwork p88(4)拼写 ● Workbook: p53(1)配对题 p53(2)归类题 p53(3)配对题 p53(4)问答题 (3)protest ● Student book: p79(2) 5. SKILLS (1) Reading: ● Student book: blogs about being a conformist: p75(1a)read the quotes p75(1b)pairwork p75(2)阅读文章 are you a conformist p75(3)写句子 an article about the poet Shelley: p76(1a)groupwork p76(1b) p76(2)问答题 p76(3)问答题 p76(4)问答题 p76(5)问答题 p76(6)问答题 an article about three supporters of freedom and civil rights: p79(3)配对题 p79(4)填空题 p79(5)pairwork ● Workbook: p56(1)阅读文章 how to study, 完成配对题 p56(2)阅读文章 how to study, 完成配对题 (2) Listening: ● Student book: extracts from Shelley’s writings: p77(7a)填空题 p77(7b)pairwork two people discussing their favourite films: p81(3a)问答题 p81(3b)听力练习 p81(3c)听力练习 p86(1)填空题 (3)Speaking: ● Student book: talking about film: p81(4)groupwork giving a description of a film: p81(5)groupwork discussing statements and reaching group consensus: p79(1a)配对题 p79(1b)groupwork p83(1)groupwork p84(2)选择题 p84(3)配对题 p84(4a)pairwork p84(4b)填空 p85(5a)groupwork p85(5b)记笔记 p85(6a)groupwork p85(6b)share your ideas p85(7a)class activity p85(7b)play the alibi game (4)Writing: ● Student book: p87(1)make notes p87(2)pairwork p87(3)写作 p87(4)写作 p88(6)写作 sentences about contrasts in your life: p77(11) a short description of a film: p81(2a) a paragraph about an issue you feel strongly about: p79(7) Links 扩展资源: Real communication p8-9 Exam listening p17 Exam speaking p23 Clil and culture p35-37 单元重点:抗议、反抗;描述电影;代词;表示“对比“的连接词;表示目的; 表示猜测

Unit 9 Session 17 (2 hours) + Session 18 (2 hours) Teacher A

Module5 Unit9 1. GRAMMAR (1)relative clause ● Student book: p96(1)defining relative clauses p96(2)defining relative clauses p96(3)non-defining relative clauses ● Workbook: p61(1)填空题 p61(2)选择题 p61(3)写句子 p61(4)写句子 p61(5)写句子 (2)articles ● Student book: p96(4)definite and indefinite articles p96(5)definite and indefinite articles p93(6)填空题 ● Workbook: p62(6)填空题 p62(7)配对题 p62(8)填空题 p62(9)配对题 2. FUNCTIONS (1)giving a detailed description of people things and places ● Student book: p90(5a)complete the rules p90(5b)划线 p110(1)选择题 (2)real communication: getting the point across, reflective listening, disagreeing, recriminations, disagreeing strongly, acknowledging and apologizing ● Student book: p94(file) p110(5)填空题 3. PRONUNCIATION (1)word stress ● Student book: p90(pronunciation) 4. VOCABULARY (1)relationships ● Student book: p90(1)pairwork ● Workbook: p60(1)配对题 p60(2)填空题 p60(3)配对题 (2)personal qualities ● Student book: p92(1a)口语练习 ● Workbook: p60(4)填空题 p60(5)写句子 (3)word formation ● Student book: p92(word expander) (4)appearance ● Student book: p92(2) p110(3)归类题 5. SKILLS (1) Reading: ● Student book: haiku: p89(1a)问答题 p89(1b)对话练习 p89(2a)写句子 p89(2b)groupwork p89(3a)写句子 p89(3b)写作 three extracts from novels: p93(4)配对题 p93(5)pairwork a scientific study on three stages of love: p90(3)pairwork p90(4a)groupwork p90(4b)记笔记 advice for managing difficult conversations: p95(5a)complete the rules p95(5b)问答题 ● Workbook: p63(1) p63(2) p64(1) p64(2) p64(3) p64(4) (2)Listening: ● Student book: people talking about how they met their partners: p90(2a)排序 p90(2b)问答题 two people having an argument: p94(1)问答题 p94(2a)问答题 p94(2b)配对题 p94(3a)判断题 p94(3b)问答题 p94(4a)选择题 p94(4b)选择题 (3)Speaking: ● Student book: talking about personal qualities: p92(1b)pairwork describing and guessing people: p92(3)groupwork role play difficult situations: p95(6a)pairwork p95(6b)role play (4)Writing: ● Student book: a love letter: p90(6)write a love letter a description of a person: p93(7a)write a short description of the person p93(7b)pairwork 6. Song You were always on my mind 单元重点:限定性定语从句;非限定性定语从句;人际关系;描述人物外表; 描述人物性格;描述艰难的处境

Unit 10 Session 19 (2 hours) + Session 20 (2 hours) Teacher A

Module5 Unit10 1. GRAMMAR (1)third conditional ● Student book: p104(1)写句子 ●Workbook: p68(1)填空题 (2)modal verbs ● Student book: p104(2)写句子 ●Workbook: p68(2)写句子 (3)wish/ if only ● Student book: p104(3)填空题 ● Workbook: p68(3)写句子 (4)use of to, infinitive, and -ing form ● Student book: p104(4)填空题 p104(5)写句子 p104(6)写句子 p110(2)写句子 ●Workbook: p69(4)填空题 p69(5)配对题 p69(6)写句子 2. FUNCTIONS (1)talking about imaginary situations in the past, talking about regrets in the past ● Student book: p99(3a)划线 p99(3b)填空题 p99(4)写句子 (2)real communication: introductions, starting, sequencing , giving examples, summarising and concluding ● Student book: p102(file) 3. PRONUNCIATION (1)third conditional ● Student book: p99(pronunciation) 4. VOCABULARY (1)verbs that change meaning with –ing and infinitive ● Student book: p101(5)配对题 p101(word expander) (2)presentation aids ● Student book: p102(1)pairwork p102(2a)groupwork p102(2b)pairwork p110(4)配对题 p110(6)演讲 ●Workbook: p67(1)crossword p67(2)归类题 p67(3)配对题 p67(4)问答题 p67(5)写句子 5. SKILLS (1)Reading: ● Student book: two articles about stress: p97(1b)pairwork p97(2)pairwork p97(3)pairwork p99(1a)记笔记 p99(1b)pairwork p99(2a)判断题 p99(2b)pairwork a student’s blog about past regrets: p97(1a)pairwork an article about emotional intelligence: p100(1a)IQ test p100(2)配对题 p101(3)问答题 p101(4)划线 presentation tips: p102(3a)groupwork p102(3b)口语练习 p102(3c)选择题 ●Workbook: p70(1)阅读文章 making notes, 完成选择题 (2)Listening: ● Student book: people talking about talking about what make them stressed: p99(5a)记笔记 p99(5b)对话练习 p99(6)问答题 a talk about Mexico City: p103(4a)排序 p103(4b)填空题 p103(4c)选择题 (3)Speaking: ● Student book: p105(1a)问答题 p105(1b)pairwork p105(2)问答题 p106(3)groupwork p106(4a)groupwork p106(4b)问答题 p109(1a)pairwork p109(1b)discuss your ideas with the rest of the class p109(2)问答题 p109(3)groupwork p109(4)记笔记 p109(5)讨论 discussing imaginary situations: p101(6)pairwork doing a 5-minte quiz: p100(1b)pairwork a talk about your region: p103(5a)pairwork p103(5b)填空题 p103(6a)口语练习 p103(6b)口语练习 (4)Writing: ● Student book: p107(5a)groupwork p107(5c)perform your scenes p108(1)pairwork p108(2)问答题 a short composition about an argument: p101(7)写作 6. DVD film 5: living in the UK Links 扩展资源: Real communication p10-11 Exam listening p18 Exam speaking p24 Clil and culture p38-40 单元重点:第三条件句;情态动词;动名词;描述想象中的事物;演讲;描 述压力

Unit 11 Session 21 (2 hours) + Session 22 (2 hours) Teacher B

Module6 Unit11 1. GRAMMAR (1)future perfect ● Student book: p118(1)填空题 p118(3)填空题 ● Workbook: p75(1)填空题 p75(2)配对题 (2)future continuous (3)future in the past (4)present tenses for plots ● Student book: p117(present tenses for plots) (5)the passive ● Student book: p118(2)填空题 p114(1)配对题 p132(2)写句子 ● Workbook: p75(3)填空题 p75(4)写句子 p76(5)填空题 (6)used to and be used to ● Student book: p118(4)写句子 p118(5)写句子 p132(1)选择题 ●Workbook: p76(6)写句子 p76(7)填空题 2. FUNCTIONS (1)talking about the future ● Student book: p113(4)划线 (2)real communication: author and genre, background, sequence, relative clauses, characters, memory lapses, moving on, concluding ● Student book: p116(file) 3. VOCABULARY (1)environment ● Student book: p111(1)pairwork p111(2a)配对题 p111(2b)groupwork p111(3a)问答题 p111(3b)report your answers to the class p132(3)拼写 ●Workbook: p74(1) p74(2) p74(3) p74(4) (2)go ● Student book: p113(word expander) (3)useful verbs to discuss the environment ● Student book: 114(2)配对题 4. SKILLS (1) Reading: ● Student book: an article about water as a resource for life: p113(1)pairwork p113(2)pairwork p113(3)填空题 a book blurb: p116(2)问答题 an article about ways to help the world: p114(3)pairwork p114(4a)问答题 p114(4b)pairwork ● Workbook: p77(1)阅读文章 their lives have been changed forever, 完成选择题 (2) Listening: ● Student book: a radio programme about rubbish: p115(5a)pairwork p115(5b)填空题 someone describing a book: p116(3a)问答题 p116(3b)问答题 p116(3c)问答题 p116(3d)选择题 (3)Speaking: ● Student book: reducing your carbon footprint: p113(5a) p113(5b)groupwork p113(5c)report to the class discussing how you’ve changed: p115(6a)列清单 p115(6b)groupwork discussing how you choose a novel: p116(1)pairwork talking about a novel you’ve read: p117(4a)记笔记 p117(4b)pairwork (4)Writing: ● Student book: p113(6)写作 a book review: p117(5a)填空题 p117(5b)write a book review 5. Song Big Yellow Taxi 单元重点:将来时;将来完成时;被动语态;used to/ be used to;描述环境; 描述将来发生的事件;环境保护

Unit 12 Session 23 (2 hours) + Session 24 (2 hours) Teacher B

Module6 Unit12 1. GRAMMAR (1)question tags ● Student book: p126(1)填空题 p126(2)填空题 p126(3a)填空题 p126(3b)问答题 ●Workbook: p82(1)填空题 (2)short questions ● Student book: p126(4)填空题 p126(5)写句子 ●Workbook: p81(2)写句子 (3)emphatic do/ does/ did ● Student book: p121(4)划线 p121(5a)写句子 p121(5b)问答题 (4)reflexive pronouns ● Student book: p122(4)划线 p126(6)填空题 ● Workbook: p82(3)填空题 2. FUNCTIONS (1)confirming facts and opinions, emphasising ● Student book: p121(4) (2)real communication: eliciting, asking for explanation, giving your opinion, giving reasons, agreeing/ disagreeing/ adding and contrasting information ● Student book: p124(file) 3. PRONUNCIATION (1)question tags ● Student book: p121(pronunciation) (2)continuing and finishing tones ● Student book: p125(pronunciation) 4. VOCABULARY (1)feelings ● Student book: p119(1a)pairwork p119(1b)问答题 p119(2)groupwork p132(4)拼写 ●Workbook: p81(1)配对题 p81(2a)配对题 p81(2b)判断题 p81(3)归类题 (2)thing ● Student book: p125(word expander) 5. SKILLS (1)Reading: ● Student book: p131(1)配对题 p131(2)pairwork p131(3)pairwork p132(5)选择题 a dialogue about gap year travels: p121(1)pairwork p121(2a)判断题 p121(2b)填空题 an article about Fairtrade: p122(1)pairwork p122(2a)选择题 p122(2b)记笔记 ● Workbook: p82(4)写句子 p82(5)判断题 p83(6)选择题 p84(1)配对题 p84(2)填空题 (2)Listening: ● Student book: p122(3a)问答题 p122(3b)问答题 a dialogue about gap year travels: p121(3a)问答题 p121(3b)记笔记 a description of a place: p127(1a)groupwork p127(1b)pairwork p127(1c)问答题 p128(2a)判断题 p128(2b)选择题 p128(3)pairwork p129(4)groupwork p129(5)project p130(1)配对题 p130(2)配对题 students discussing organic food: p124(2a) p124(2b) (3)Speaking: ● Student book: p122(5)groupwork talking about what worries you: p119(3a) p119(3b)pairwork arguments for and against organic food: p124(1)pairwork p124(2c)pairwork arguments for and against animal testing: p125(3a) p125(3b) p125(3c)pairwork discussions about cloning: p125(4a) p125(4b)groupwork green tax and biotechnology: p125(4a) p125(4b)groupwork (4)Writing: ● Student book: p132(6) an email giving first impressions of a country: p121(6)write an email to a friend describing your first impressions a composition: p122(6) 6. DVD film 6: Global Xchange Links 扩展资源: Real communication p12-13 Exam listening p19 Exam speaking p25 Clil and culture p41-43 单元重点:反义疑问句;疑问句;强调句;代词;表达情感;表示支持或反对











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